The past few months have been great. A wonderful girlfriend, a plethora of friends, and some great small trips have led to a great 2 months of summer. I'm working a lot but found time to head towards Grand Junction to a really neat bluegill and small-mouth bass reservoir about a month ago and we landed some great panfish! I also rallied a few friends to meet at Arapahoe Basin for their closing weekend today and got to head over and spend some time with Rocky Mountain Underground founder Michael Waesche. The company is doing great things and if you've got a second, hit their facebook page and "like" it at and then head over to their website I'm really excited for next season already and things are really coming together. Thanks everybody for a great summer and enjoy all that it brings you!
Vibe on!
The newly finished RMU truck. Mike's got a tight whip! |
Kevin Frazier's car turned drying rack... |
Drip... Drip... Drip.... Pondskims will do that |