Saturday, July 24, 2010

Estoy en Chile!

Alright, something like 24 hours of travel from home to Portillo, Chile is done after re-routing, changed planes and delays. We even barely snuck through the Chilean police as it's been snowing for a few days now and the pass to Mendoza, Argentina is closed to through traffic! Needless to say, I'm here as a guest coach at the Portillo Big Mountain Telemark Camp.
The trip started with Nick Devore, Kayo Ogilby, Hannah Horn, and myself driving my loyal truck Fred out of Carbondale en route to Denver. In vail we picked up a 5th, VMS student Riley Ebel. Our plane had to sit on the tarmac for an extra 45 minutes waiting for a storm to clear over Dallas Fort Worth airport and then we were re-routed so that we went around the storm as much as possible. Once in Dallas, we ran around the airport trying to get to a flight we were an hour and a half late for. Luckily it hadn't left, but not because of waiting for us.... The engine wasn't killing it and not 10 minutes after getting on and seated, we were told to get off the plane and wait for two hours while another plane was prepared. To make a longer story a bit shorter, we arrived in Santiago after a fitful night of sleep on ambien and caught the shuttle to beautiful and snowy Portillo. Enjoy and be sure to check back in a day or two as I'm shooting for an update every other day.
Hasta Luego,
5 people's worth of gear at DIA....

A slightly larger Telemark crew waiting for a new plane.... 
"Camino Cerrado" UH OH! NOT!

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